Frequently Asked Question.
Q1. What is Digital Signature?
A digital signature is a type of electronic signature that can be used to verify the identity of the person sending a message or signing a document as well as to guarantee that the message's or document's original content hasn't changed. Digital signatures are portable and impossible for anyone to forge. The sender cannot simply deny the communication later if it can be verified that the initial signed message actually arrived.
Q2. What is Digital Signature Certificates (DSC)?
Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) are the electronic equivalent of physical or paper certificates like a driver's licence, passport, etc. For example, a passport identifies someone as a citizen of that country, allowing them to travel legally to any country. Certificates serve as proof of identity of an individual for a certain reason. Similarly, you can use a digital signature certificate to sign certain papers electronically, access information or services online, or confirm your identity.
Q3. Who is the users of Digital Signature Certificate or Who can use Digital Signature Certificate?
Following services can be availed by using Class 3 Digital Signature Certificates: e-Tendering (EG :- PWD Contractors) ,Patent and Trademark e-filing ,MCA e-filing ,Income Tax e-filing ,LLP registration ,Customs ,e-filing,e-Procurement, e-Bidding,e-Auction,GST Application filing That is mainly the business owners is the users of Digital Signature Certificate and some Government Authorities also the users of Digital Signature Certificate
Q4. How will Get the Digital Signature to customer?
You can issue digital signature certificates to your customers through your eMudra partner login. Then you can immediately issue the certificate to your customer after importing the certificate to the DSC token that you have in stock.
Q5. What is the purpose of a digital signature certificate?
A Digital Signature Certificate authenticates your identity electronically. It also provides you with a high level of security for your online transactions by ensuring absolute privacy of the information exchanged using a Digital Signature Certificate. You can use certificates to encrypt information such that only the intended recipient can read it. You can digitally sign information to assure the recipient that it has not been changed in transit, and also help verify your identity as the sender of the message.